Athletic Staff

People often credit high school sports as a primary influence in personal development.  At Cornerstone Christian School we believe sports inspire qualities necessary to succeed in life and our athletic staff is dedicated to teaching the values of commitment, teamwork, and perseverance.

  • TBA - Athletic Director

High School Athletics


Fall Sports: 


  • Sabrina Barbato - Varsity Girls' Volleyball

               (08-09 Majestic League Sportsmanship Award Winner)

  • Monte Jones - Varsity Football

                (08-09 Majestic League Sportsmanship Award Winner)

                (07-08 Majestic League Sportsmanship Award Winner)


Winter Sports:


  • Kent Chivington - Varsity Girls' Basketball
  • Tim Shelton - Varsity Boys' Basketball

Spring Sports:


  • Tom Tisdale - Varsity Golf


Year Round:


  • Ruth Cruz - Cheerleading


Middle School Athletics


Fall Sports: 


  • Todd Stark - Girls' Volleyball
  • Steve Carter - Football


Spring Sports:


  • TBA - Girls' Basketball
  • Tim Shelton - Boys' Basketball


Year Round:


  • Ruth Cruz - Cheerleading

The secret to winning is consistent management.

- Tom Landry




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